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Open Guilds

Chefs are the practitioners of culinary arts, namely cooking and baking different foods. They work with numerous ingredients and recipes found throughout the realm. The proficiency in different recipes are gained by preparing them, and while the proficiency grows, the prepared food becomes more and more delicious and profitable for the consumers.

Note: The locations for different recipes are considered quest info, thus leaking of such info is illegal.

| Guild name    | Chefs                      |
| Guild type    | Sub                        |
| Coder         | Flea                       |
| Max level     | 3                          |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1                            |       |
| skill tinning                                                     |  100% |
| skill fire building                                               |  050% |
| skill cut meat                                                    |  030% |
| skill cooking                                                     |  020% |
| skill baking                                                      |  020% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 2                            |       |
| skill cut meat                                                    |  054% |
| skill cooking                                                     |  034% |
| skill baking                                                      |  034% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 3                            |       |
| skill cut meat                                                    |  100% |
| skill cooking                                                     |  060% |
| skill baking                                                      |  060% |
| skill advanced tinning                                            |  100% |
| Try 'info skill (skill)' or 'info spell (spell)' for more info.           |

--Glorian (talk) 06:31, 8 January 2017 (UTC)