Brothers in Balance

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Brothers in Balance. 

level  1: +1 spregen, +1 strength, +1 hpregen, +1 epregen, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, 
+3 free stats, +1 intelligence
level  2: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats, +1 intelligence
level  3: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats, +1 intelligence
level  4: +2 free stats
level  5: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats, +1 intelligence
level  6: +1 spregen, +1 strength, +1 hpregen, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free 
stats, +1 intelligence
level  7: +1 strength, +1 epregen, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats, +1 
level  8: +2 free stats
level  9: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats, +1 intelligence
level 10: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats, +1 intelligence
level 11: +1 spregen, +1 strength, +1 hpregen, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free 
stats, +1 intelligence
level 12: +2 free stats
level 13: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats, +1 intelligence
level 14: +1 strength, +1 epregen, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats, +1 
level 15: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats, +1 intelligence
level 16: +1 spregen, +1 hpregen, +2 free stats
level 17: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats, +1 intelligence
level 18: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats, +1 intelligence
level 19: +1 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats, +1 intelligence
level 20: +2 free stats

| Skill name                         | Lvl |  %  | Max | Cost/xp     | Gold  |
| Angled incision                    |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Block                              |   1 |   0 |  80 |         100 |     0 |
| Concentrate on incision            |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Focus on psychic flow              |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Focus psychic energies             |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Incision efficiency                |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Inner strength                     |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Parry                              |   1 |   0 |  60 |         100 |     0 |
| Psychic blade creation             |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Psychic enforcement                |   1 |   0 |  30 |         100 |     0 |
| Psychic shield creation            |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Riposte                            |   1 |   0 |  80 |         100 |     0 |
| Shield handling                    |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Vigilance                          |   1 |   0 |  80 |         100 |     0 |

--Torlan 12:10, 8 June 2014