The Paladins

From Winterkill
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The Paladins - sword wielding undead destroyers

| Skill name                         | Lvl |  %  | Max | Cost/xp     | Gold  |
| Absorb damage                      |   1 |   0 |  10 |         100 |     0 |
| Block                              |   1 |   0 |  20 |         100 |     0 |
| Decapitate                         |   1 |   0 |  25 |         100 |     0 |
| Faith                              |   1 |   0 |  30 |         100 |     0 |
| Laying of hands                    |   1 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Leadership                         |   1 |   0 |  20 |         100 |     0 |
| Parry                              |   1 |   0 |  20 |         100 |     0 |
| Strike                             |   1 |   0 |  40 |         100 |     0 |
| Vigilance                          |   1 |   0 |  20 |         100 |     0 |
| Weapon mastery                     |   1 |   0 |  25 |         100 |     0 |
| Advanced leadership                |   5 |   0 |  15 |         100 |     0 |
| Combat                             |   5 |   0 |  30 |         100 |     0 |
| Defensive techniques               |   5 |   0 |  15 |         100 |     0 |
| Diplomacy                          |   5 |   0 |  25 |         100 |     0 |
| Essence eye                        |   5 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Focused mind                       |   5 |   0 |  15 |         100 |     0 |
| Offensive techniques               |   5 |   0 |  15 |         100 |     0 |
| Quick chant                        |   5 |   0 |  30 |         100 |     0 |
| Slash                              |   5 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Sword handling                     |   5 |   0 |  30 |         100 |     0 |
| True faith                         |   5 |   0 |  30 |         100 |     0 |
| Turn undead                        |   5 |   0 | 100 |         100 |     0 |
| Fire building                      |   6 |   0 |  35 |         100 |     0 |
| Anatomy                            |  10 |   0 |  10 |         100 |     0 |
| Critical                           |  10 |   0 |  20 |         100 |     0 |
| Stun                               |  10 |   0 |  10 |         100 |     0 |

| Spell name                         | Lvl |  %  | Max | Cost/xp     | Gold  |
| Bastion of adesean                 |   1 |   0 |  15 |         100 |     0 |
| Cure moderate wounds               |   1 |   0 |  70 |         100 |     0 |
| Holy sword                         |   1 |   0 |  50 |         100 |     0 |
| Bless                              |   5 |   0 |  30 |         100 |     0 |
| Dispel undead                      |   5 |   0 |  30 |         100 |     0 |
| Shield                             |   5 |   0 |  50 |         100 |     0 |
| Divine flames                      |  10 |   0 |  30 |         100 |     0 |
| Protection from evil               |  10 |   0 |  50 |         100 |     0 |

level  1: +1 hpregen, +1 spregen, +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +2 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats
level  2: +2 strength, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats
level  3: +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats
level  4: +1 strength, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats
level  5: +2 strength, +2 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats
level  6: +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats
level  7: +1 hpregen, +1 spregen, +2 strength, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats
level  8: +1 strength, +1 constitution, +2 free stats
level  9: +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +2 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats
level 10: +2 strength, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats
level 11: +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats
level 12: +1 strength, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats
level 13: +2 strength, +2 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats
level 14: +1 hpregen, +1 spregen, +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +2 free stats
level 15: +2 strength, +1 constitution, +1 dexterity, +3 free stats

| Guild name    | Order of the paladins      |
| Guild type    | Sub                        |
| Coder         | Noose                      |
| Max level     | 15                         |
| Required      | Knight [20]                |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1                            |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +002% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +002% |
| skill strike                                                      | +008% |
| skill parry                                                       | +002% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +002% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  010% |
| skill faith                                                       | +003% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +002% |
| skill block                                                       | +002% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +001% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +004% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +005% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +001% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 2                            |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +004% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +003% |
| skill strike                                                      | +016% |
| skill parry                                                       | +003% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +004% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  016% |
| skill faith                                                       | +006% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +004% |
| skill block                                                       | +003% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +007% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +010% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +002% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 3                            |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +005% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +004% |
| skill strike                                                      | +024% |
| skill parry                                                       | +004% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +006% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  022% |
| skill faith                                                       | +009% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +005% |
| skill block                                                       | +004% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +002% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +010% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +014% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +003% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 4                            |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +007% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +006% |
| skill strike                                                      | +032% |
| skill parry                                                       | +006% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +008% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  028% |
| skill faith                                                       | +012% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +007% |
| skill block                                                       | +006% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +003% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +014% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +019% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +004% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 5                            |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +009% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +007% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  010% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +003% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +003% |
| skill strike                                                      | +040% |
| skill slash                                                       | +010% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +003% |
| skill parry                                                       | +007% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +002% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +010% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  034% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +002% |
| skill faith                                                       | +015% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  050% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +003% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +002% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +009% |
| skill combat                                                      | +001% |
| skill block                                                       | +007% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +002% |
| spell shield                                                      | +005% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +017% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +003% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +024% |
| spell bless                                                       | +003% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +005% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6                            |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +010% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +008% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  019% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +006% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +006% |
| skill slash                                                       | +019% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +006% |
| skill parry                                                       | +008% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +003% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +012% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  040% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +003% |
| skill fire building                                               | +001% |
| skill faith                                                       | +018% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  055% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +005% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +003% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +010% |
| skill combat                                                      | +002% |
| skill block                                                       | +008% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +003% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +004% |
| spell shield                                                      | +010% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +020% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +006% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +028% |
| spell bless                                                       | +006% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +006% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 7                            |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +012% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +010% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  027% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +009% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +009% |
| skill slash                                                       | +028% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +009% |
| skill parry                                                       | +010% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +005% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +014% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  046% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +005% |
| skill fire building                                               | +002% |
| skill faith                                                       | +021% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  060% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +007% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +005% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +012% |
| skill combat                                                      | +003% |
| skill block                                                       | +010% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +005% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +005% |
| spell shield                                                      | +014% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +024% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +009% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +033% |
| spell bless                                                       | +009% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +007% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 8                            |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +014% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +011% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  035% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +011% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +011% |
| skill slash                                                       | +037% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +011% |
| skill parry                                                       | +011% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +006% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +016% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  052% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +006% |
| skill fire building                                               | +003% |
| skill faith                                                       | +024% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  064% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +010% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +006% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +014% |
| skill combat                                                      | +004% |
| skill block                                                       | +011% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +006% |
| spell shield                                                      | +019% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +027% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +011% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +038% |
| spell bless                                                       | +011% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +008% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 9                            |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +015% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +012% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  043% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +014% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +014% |
| skill slash                                                       | +046% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +014% |
| skill parry                                                       | +012% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +007% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +018% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  058% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +007% |
| skill fire building                                               | +004% |
| skill faith                                                       | +027% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  069% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +012% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +007% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +015% |
| skill combat                                                      | +005% |
| skill block                                                       | +012% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +007% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +006% |
| spell shield                                                      | +023% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +030% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +014% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +042% |
| spell bless                                                       | +014% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +009% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 10                           |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +017% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +014% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  051% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +017% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +017% |
| skill stun                                                        | +002% |
| skill slash                                                       | +055% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +017% |
| skill parry                                                       | +014% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +009% |
| skill leadership                                                  | +020% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  064% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +009% |
| skill fire building                                               | +005% |
| skill faith                                                       | +030% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  073% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +014% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +009% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +017% |
| skill critical                                                    | +004% |
| skill combat                                                      | +006% |
| skill block                                                       | +014% |
| skill anatomy                                                     | +002% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +009% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +007% |
| spell shield                                                      | +028% |
| spell protection from evil                                        | +009% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +034% |
| spell divine flames                                               | +005% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +017% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +047% |
| spell bless                                                       | +017% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +010% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 11                           |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +019% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +015% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  060% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +020% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +020% |
| skill stun                                                        | +004% |
| skill slash                                                       | +064% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +020% |
| skill parry                                                       | +015% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +010% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  070% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +010% |
| skill fire building                                               | +006% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  078% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +016% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +010% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +019% |
| skill critical                                                    | +007% |
| skill combat                                                      | +007% |
| skill block                                                       | +015% |
| skill anatomy                                                     | +004% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +010% |
| spell shield                                                      | +032% |
| spell protection from evil                                        | +017% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +037% |
| spell divine flames                                               | +010% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +020% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +052% |
| spell bless                                                       | +020% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +011% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12                           |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +020% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +016% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  068% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +022% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +022% |
| skill stun                                                        | +005% |
| skill slash                                                       | +073% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +022% |
| skill parry                                                       | +016% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +011% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  076% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +011% |
| skill fire building                                               | +007% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  082% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +019% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +011% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +020% |
| skill critical                                                    | +010% |
| skill combat                                                      | +008% |
| skill block                                                       | +016% |
| skill anatomy                                                     | +005% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +011% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +008% |
| spell shield                                                      | +037% |
| spell protection from evil                                        | +025% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +040% |
| spell divine flames                                               | +015% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +022% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +056% |
| spell bless                                                       | +022% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +012% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 13                           |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +022% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +018% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  076% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +025% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +025% |
| skill stun                                                        | +007% |
| skill slash                                                       | +082% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +025% |
| skill parry                                                       | +018% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +013% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  082% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +013% |
| skill fire building                                               | +008% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  087% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +021% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +013% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +022% |
| skill critical                                                    | +014% |
| skill combat                                                      | +009% |
| skill block                                                       | +018% |
| skill anatomy                                                     | +007% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +013% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +009% |
| spell shield                                                      | +041% |
| spell protection from evil                                        | +034% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +044% |
| spell divine flames                                               | +020% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +025% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +061% |
| spell bless                                                       | +025% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +013% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 14                           |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +024% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +019% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  084% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +028% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +028% |
| skill stun                                                        | +009% |
| skill slash                                                       | +091% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +028% |
| skill parry                                                       | +019% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +014% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  088% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +014% |
| skill fire building                                               | +009% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  091% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +023% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +014% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +024% |
| skill critical                                                    | +017% |
| skill block                                                       | +019% |
| skill anatomy                                                     | +009% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +014% |
| spell shield                                                      | +046% |
| spell protection from evil                                        | +042% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +047% |
| spell divine flames                                               | +025% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +028% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +066% |
| spell bless                                                       | +028% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +014% |
| TRAINING/STUDYING AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 15                           |       |
| skill weapon mastery                                              | +025% |
| skill vigilance                                                   | +020% |
| skill turn undead                                                 |  100% |
| skill true faith                                                  | +030% |
| skill sword handling                                              | +030% |
| skill stun                                                        | +010% |
| skill slash                                                       | +100% |
| skill quick chant                                                 | +030% |
| skill parry                                                       | +020% |
| skill offensive techniques                                        | +015% |
| skill laying of hands                                             |  100% |
| skill focused mind                                                | +015% |
| skill fire building                                               | +010% |
| skill essence eye                                                 |  100% |
| skill diplomacy                                                   | +025% |
| skill defensive techniques                                        | +015% |
| skill decapitate                                                  | +025% |
| skill critical                                                    | +020% |
| skill combat                                                      | +010% |
| skill block                                                       | +020% |
| skill anatomy                                                     | +010% |
| skill advanced leadership                                         | +015% |
| skill absorb damage                                               | +010% |
| spell shield                                                      | +050% |
| spell protection from evil                                        | +050% |
| spell holy sword                                                  | +050% |
| spell divine flames                                               | +030% |
| spell dispel undead                                               | +030% |
| spell cure moderate wounds                                        | +070% |
| spell bless                                                       | +030% |
| spell bastion of adesean                                          | +015% |
| Try 'info skill (skill)' or 'info spell (spell)' for more info.           |