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This page should be listing materials which are used in the game.

To encourage people to add more stuff, I added something for starters. Go nuts. -- Noose

Material Pref Stat
lava stone fire
jade strength

MATERIAL             ADJECTIVE            TYPES                RARITY     VALUE      WEIGHT     HARDNESS
 ivory                an                                        0          0.84       1.7        2.5
 fir                  a:fir                wood                 10         0.15       0.53       2
 cypress              a:fir                wood                 12         0.15       0.53       2
 spruce               a:spruce             wood                 14         0.17       0.45       2
 juniper              a:juniper            wood                 16         0.2        0.5        2
 elm                  an:elm               wood                 18         0.22       0.56       2
 pine                 a:pine               wood                 20         0.23       0.74       2
 birch                a:birch              wood                 22         0.25       0.71       2
                      pref: fire:-30 physical:30
 willow               a:willow             wood                 24         0.27       0.42       2
 rowan                a:rowan              wood                 26         0.29       0.5        2
 beech                a:beech              wood                 28         0.31       0.5        2
 maple                a:maple              wood                 30         0.32       0.71       2
 bamboo               a:bamboo             wood                 30         0.08       0.5        1.9
 oak                  an:oaken             wood                 35         0.33       0.95       2
 cedar                a:cedar              wood                 40         0.45       0.38       2
 balsa                a:balsa              wood                 40         0.57       0.5        2
 ashwood              an:ashen             wood                 45         0.76       0.71       2.1
 mahogany             a:mahogany           wood                 45         0.92       0.85       2
 ebony                an:ebony             wood                 50         1.35       1.12       2.5
 cherry               a:cherry             wood                 55         0.69       0.56       2
 zinc                 a:zinc               metal                0          0.08       7.05       2.5
 lead                 a:lead               metal                0          0.44       11.3       1.5
 copper               a:copper             metal                0          0.49       8.69       3
 bronze               a:bronze             metal                0          0.35       8.16       6.2
 silver               a:silver             metal                0          0.8        10.5       2.75
 chromium             a:chromium           metal                0          0.94       6.86       8.5
 cast iron            a:cast iron          metal                0          0.58       7.21       4.5
 wrought iron         a:wrought iron       metal                0          0.53       7.77       4.5
 tin                  a:tin                metal                10         0.05       7.36       1.5
 pyrite               a:pyrite             metal                10         1          4.95       6.25
                      pref: fire:15
 aluminium            an:aluminium         metal                10         0.1        2.64       2.75
 iron                 an:iron              metal                25         0.5        7.85       4
 cobalt               a:cobalt             metal                30         0.96       8.75       5
 brass                a:brass              metal                35         0.27       8.56       5.2
 nickel               a:nickel             metal                35         3          8.9        4
 gold                 a:golden             metal                50         1          19.3       3
 steel                a:steel              metal                50         0.73       7.85       4.25
 tungsten             a:tungsten           metal                55         0.41       19.6       7.5
 zirconium            a:zirconium          metal                55         3.85       5.55       5
 high-steel           a:high-steel         metal                60         0.78       6.75       5.2
 titanium             a:titanium           metal                65         2.35       5.25       6
 platinum             a:platinum           metal                95         3.9        21.4       4.25
 mithril              a:mithril            metal                130        3.5        3.33       6.75
 electrum             an:electrum          metal                200        7.5        5          3.5
                      pref: electric:30
 adamantium           an:adamantium        metal                200        3.85       5.55       9.75
 osmium               an:osmium            metal                250        0.7        22.6       7
                      pref: fire:40
 gneiss               a:gneiss             stone                10         0.1        2.87       7
 basalt               a:basalt             stone                10         0.1        3.01       8.5
 granite              a:granite            stone                15         0.12       2.69       7.2
 glass                a:glass              stone                40         0.23       2.58       5.5
 marble               a:marble             stone                50         0.35       2.56       3.5
 spectrolite          a:spectrolite        stone                60         1.8        2.69       6
 firestone            a:firestone          stone                70         2          2.12       4.3
                      pref: fire:20
 emerald              an:emerald           gemstone             20         38         2.76       7.75
                      stat: constitution:3
                      pref: poison:30
 ruby                 a:ruby               gemstone             30         55         4          9
                      stat: strength:3
                      pref: fire:30
 peridot              a:peridot            gemstone             40         1          3.66       6.85
                      stat: hpregen:5
                      other: healing efficiency:3
 amethyst             an:amethyst          gemstone             45         2.33       2.65       7
                      stat: wisdom:3
                      other: hpheal resistance:-20
 pearl                a:pearl              gemstone             50         15         2.72       3.5
                      stat: wisdom:2
                      other: spell chance:20
 moonstone            a:moonstone          gemstone             50         10         2.65       6
                      stat: spregen:5
                      pref: magical:30
                      other: light resistance:30
 aquamarine           an:aquamarine        gemstone             60         1          2.76       7.5
                      stat: intelligence:2
                      other: water resistance:30
 white pearl          a:white pearl        gemstone             60         25         2.72       3.5
                      stat: wisdom:2
                      pref: unholy:20
 jade                 a:jade               gemstone             65         10         3.34       6.5
                      stat: wisdom:3
                      pref: acid:30
 topaz                a:topaz              gemstone             70         30         3.53       8
                      stat: dexterity:3
                      pref: electric:30
 sapphire             a:sapphire           gemstone             70         43         3.99       9
                      stat: wisdom:3
                      other: spheal resistance:-30
 corundum             a:corundum           gemstone             70         1          3.99       8.75
                      stat: strength:3
                      pref: physical:30
 black pearl          a:black pearl        gemstone             70         25         2.72       3.5
                      stat: wisdom:2
                      pref: holy:20
 garnet               a:garnet             gemstone             80         0.17       3.9        7
                      stat: hpregen:5
                      other: awareness:5
 tourmaline           tourmaline           crystal              45         0.8        3.06       3.05
 calcite              a:calcite            crystal              50         1          2.71       3
 quartz               a:quartz             crystal              60         0.85       2.65       7
 ice crystal          an:ice crystal       crystal              70         1          1          2.32
                      pref: fire:-50 cold:60
 malachite            a:malachite          stone,crystal        30         0.75       3.8        3.85
 azurite              an:azurite           gemstone,crystal     20         1          3.77       3.75
 diamond              a:diamond            gemstone,crystal     90         20         3.52       10
                      stat: epregen:5
                      pref: physical:30
 limonite             a:limonite           mineraloid           30         1          3.56       4.75
 bloodstone           a:bloodstone         mineraloid           30         0.8        2.61       6.75
                      stat: strength:2
 opal                 an:opal              mineraloid           50         0.85       2.15       6
 obsidian             an:obsidian          mineraloid           50         0.8        2.4        5.5
 vulcanite            a:vulcanite          mineraloid           70         0.94       7.1        1.5
                      pref: fire:30
 amber                an:amber             mineraloid           75         1          2          2.5
                      other: hpheal resistance:-30
 onyx                 an:onyx              mineraloid           80         0.53       2.65       6.5
                      stat: hpregen:5
 tektite              a:tektite            mineraloid           90         1.7        2.38       5.5
 jet                  a:jet                gemstone,mineraloid  50         1.2        1.32       3.35
                      pref: cold:30
                      other: spell chance:3
 lapis lazuli         a:lapis lazuli       stone,gemstone,mineraloid 50         1          2.8        5.25
                      stat: wisdom:3 constitution:3
 straw                a:straw              fabric               10         0.01       0.25       1
 jute                 a:jute               fabric               20         0.05       0.22       1
 linen                a:linen              fabric               20         0.02       0.15       1
 cotton               a:cotton             fabric               20         0.17       1          1
 wool                 a:wool               fabric               30         0.16       1          1
                      pref: cold:15
 suede                a:suede              fabric               50         0.15       2          1
 velvet               a:velvet             fabric               60         0.65       0.2        1
 gossamer             a:gossamer           fabric               60         0.3        1          1
 satin                a:satin              fabric               70         0.45       1          1
 silk                 a:silk               fabric               80         0.95       0.3        1
 dinosaur skin        a:dinosaur skin      leather              0          1          3          3
 fur                  a:fur                leather              10         0.05       2          0.5
 leather              a:leather            leather              30         0.1        2          2.2
 wolfskin             a:wolfskin           leather              30         0.08       2          1.3
 bearskin             a:bearskin           leather              40         0.1        2          1.75
 studded leather      a:studded leather    leather              40         0.12       1          2.7
 demonhide            a:demonhide          leather              80         2.15       2.35       3.2
                      pref: fire:60 cold:-40
 dragonscale          a:dragonscale        leather              200        7.5        2.5        6.5
                      pref: physical:30
 dragonhide           a:dragonhide         leather              300        5.5        3.5        5.3
                      pref: physical:40
 red dragonhide       a:red dragonhide     leather              300        10         3.5        4.4
                      pref: fire:80 cold:-40
 blue dragonhide      a:blue dragonhide    leather              300        10         3.5        4.4
                      pref: fire:-40 cold:80
 green dragonhide     a:green dragonhide   leather              300        10         3.5        4.4
                      pref: poison:50
 black dragonhide     a:black dragonhide   leather              300        10         3.5        4.4
                      pref: acid:50
 white dragonhide     a:white dragonhide   leather              300        15         3.5        4.4
                      pref: magical:50
 bone                 a:bone               bone                 10         0.045      1.95       2.12
 chitin               a:chitin             bone                 10         0.02       1.75       1.5
 shell                a:shell              bone                 20         0.4        2.15       3.33
 tortoise shell       a:tortoise shell     bone                 54         3.2        1.29       2.5
 dragonbone           a:dragonbone         bone                 200        6.45       10         9.5
                      pref: physical:70
 seashell             a:seashell           special              40         0.65       3          2.1
 krypton              a:kryptonite         special              300        1.5        5          8.75
 lava stone           a:lava stone         stone,special        50         1.5        6          1.75
                      pref: fire:30
 skin                 a:skin               organic              0          0.2        1          0.1
 flesh                a:flesh              organic              0          0.2        1          0.1
 water                a:water              liquid               0          0.1        1          0.0001
 blood                a:blood              organic,liquid       0          1.5        1          0.0001