Something to think about

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What seems to most suitable way to fix the problem with too much exp in game?

Poll ended at 13.01.2007 02:42:45

Game is fine as it is. I see no problem. Not now or in future.
Remove experience from players percentually so that the more exp you have, the more you pay. This way it doesn't hurt newbies that much.
Same as previous, but compensate losses with something, what?
No votes
Remove everything and let's start from the beginning, with only taskpoints transferred to new characters.
Do not touch the current exp, just tune down exprates. Although newbies never catch us, but who cares?
Something else? What is it? Please type it down here.
Total votes : 16

Something to think about

Postby Tof » 13.01.2006 02:42:45

I do not know if anyone else amongst the players have noticed, but we do seem to have an awful amount of high level players with lots of experience. Basically I would claim that the first 35 players on the exp-plaque are some sort of hazards when the the top 10 are disastrous.

Basically this kind of situation leads to a situation where the top players in future cannot really gain anything, since at some guilds they do not even have enough options where to put their experience. The challenges have already been accomplished and if new challenges was to be created for the top 10, it would only increase the gap between newbies and highbies and unfortunately it cannot be the way to go. By looking at the players, it can be pointed out that even the newest players quickly gain the level status somewhere between 70-80. This is alarming to some extent, since if the game only begins after reaching these levels, it means that the game has nothing more to offer for the smaller level players, besides the anthill.

The goal naturally for the game is to provide an enjoyable game experience with enough goals for everyone and equal opportunities to develop character, be it at low level or at high level. At the moment new players are not interested, since it takes too long for newbies to see the interesting part of the game. Highbies on the another hand see it all and encounter no goals. I would even claim that in the past game has been too easy, and still is.

There will be no easy solution and even the solutions that would probably fix the problem are widely unpopular among the playerbase. I will put a poll with some choices and if you think you have a good solution or suggestion what could work, do not hesitate to post it here. Let's keep the discussion open.
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Postby Tof » 13.01.2006 03:04:11

Some solutions?

Remove experience so that the more you have exp, the bigger tax in your force reinc?

Good sides: Newbies do not get hurt that much. Highbies encounter the biggest losses, but they will still be on the top.
Bad sides: The top players have already seen it all. By losing power, how many of them will be willing to continue. Can we make something new, maybe new guilds or quests to solve to keep their interest?
Future: If we downtune the rates that people do, there will be more challenge in the game and while the people do not gain all the goals immediately, the playing stays interesting much longer.

Remove everything besides taskpoints, which are transferred to new characters.

Good sides: No problems anymore. Maybe new players from other muds get interested too, when there's once again chance to get to the top?
Bad sides: Competitiveness once again from scratch might not be something that all of the previous players would want.
Future: Best prospects considering the future. It's an excellent opportunity to make everything in order and foresee the problems before it is too late.

Let's do nothing, it's fine how it is.

Good sides: Nobody gets pissed off. What we have earned in the past is something that cannot be taken from us.
Bad sides: No goals. For some people there no longer are interesting challenges. Think about the future if the people keep making experience like they do now. If people with over 15G of exp cannot put it to some guilds, what happens in two or three years, when the top guys have next to 50G and even more will achieve 15G. Of course this doesn't necessarily go this way in future, but it's possible.

Future: The gap between highbies and newbies will increase all the time while no real challenges can be given to highbies. Modification of guilds to provide more things to achieve for highbies will just make it stupid for newbies and they need more and more levels to gain something.

Let's tune the rates, but do not remove experience from anyone.

Good sides: Real problems wait, but eventually we need to encounter them.
Bad sides: The old players may find it hard to adapt to the exprates which are lower than before. New players find it hard to get to the same levels as the old players.
Future: The problems will eventually be present. We also have to remember that some players already encounter this problem.

I am not saying that this poll is going to lead into anything, but I just wish to keep conversation going and to hear opinions. Let's not terminate all ideas before they are being thought from many viewpoints.
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Postby Jon » 13.01.2006 12:00:30

How about making lot more skills in game.
like extra hits to melee with skills. and skills like enhanced criticals etc.
We need lot more skills what affects spells/skills damage. change to hit etc. :E
Raise some skill/spell costs.
Put that reinc cost back.
make some public low level mini guilds like naqaavirs.
But don't steal my exp.

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Jon's idea

Postby Chardron » 13.01.2006 15:43:43

Yeah the more skills in game would made game a bit intresting to high level players for some time but i have noticed that atleast i have a lot of experience that i dont really know how to use , i wouldnt really want any of those tunes , etc not removing my things and exp no way.

My idea would be that all skills and spells and levels would be made more expensive, by raising them minimum costs, which will make raises more even. it would eat high level players "experience" more than it would eat newbies exp, but it would allow to create new things to newbies but it would
mean also that newbies would need to have more experience in start.

My 50 cents -//Chardron//-
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Postby Jon » 13.01.2006 15:53:35

And we have a cult here. make it usefull so high exp players want to join.
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Postby Tof » 13.01.2006 18:08:45

Cult is naturally one choice and you can put a lot of experience there, but it shouldn't be the only way to play game. It's not mandatory for anyone either. Making cult even more powerful than it is now, will only postpone more serious problems for a while. Eventually people still have more experience + all sorts of special stuff. We do not want to step over the line.

Reinc costs are a good way to get even some of the exp out of game and will eventually come back, but that is not the only way to do it. Even at this point when all guilds are not in balance, it's still not yet its time.

There are already ideas for renovating some of the older guilds so that they would compete with the newer guilds that basically cost more exp. Surely we can make new skills, but we have to reduce effects of some others. Or we could just increase the cost on one, since there shouldn't be n+1 skills basically doing the same thing.

Increasing skill and spell costs among with the level costs is one way, but basically it brings similar effect to cutting down everyone's exp, except that we are playing with bigger numbers.
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Postby Doom » 13.01.2006 22:37:12

We kinda lost the main intress in this game a long time ago... maybe because there was no progress and all that happened was downtunes (atleast thats how we felt like). I like the people in the mud and the guild ideas but the tunes are somewhere between norway and the funny looking people with the strange hats... there still is no what so ever "perk" to encourage parties and no lust for equipments... Thou I believe that there is possibility to still revive this mud and it would be fun to see it happen...
Or sumthin... Im drunk... as usual...
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exp rate

Postby Maaldor » 14.01.2006 13:16:01

there should be something done to solo with 1m exp rate, make it impossible.
and rates should be tuned down anyway. Support team exping, with full team
u can get nice rates.

Either take all exp out and make fresh start or dont touch to exp but make skillcosts etc higher. like from 70% skillcost/spellcost would suddenly raise
or something. take out half exp and suddenly theres 3 players left whining and idling.

new areas,lots of them. Atm this game is totally soloing, i would love to see exp parties, as well as lowbies but highbies too. And that eq tune, make them fragile, ppl are forced to make new eqs and stuff.

New guilds, something to highbies but also make it easy to start as newbie too.

Improved items, rune / gem stuff sounds cool. Socketed etc.

Events, Something like castle raids. not solo but with team. Defend your castle against attackers, not like if u lose defend ur chests will be stealed but add some extra rewards.

Do something about all this solo shit, atleast i wont like the game before theres something else than 20k X slash elf. Totally not interesting...

i would like to be a part of group whos making this game playable again.

but worst thing u can do is do nothing...
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Postby Widiar » 15.01.2006 00:35:09

I don't really have a clear vision about this 'too much exp' thing, but what I do know, is that removing the hard earned (well.. at least earned) exp from players doesn't solve anything. Or even if solves, it's still unfair. At least some of us have really made a hard work (of many years) to gain those exp. I prefer something like the Guild (levels), but maybe it should be much more efficient.

If the game (wizards?) have made the mistake of giving too much exp at some point, it shouldn't be paid on players. It shouldn't be the main concern that plague top players can't be 'catched' .. but of course, it _should be_ possible. At least if those top players aren't playing anymore - as most of them aren't..

If it so happens, that some of the exp is taken away, it has to be done with extreme care. Personally I'm **cking sick 'n tired of killing those same elves and palace guards after 3 years of playing - with the same old 200k rate.. it really kills the feeling in play and game. Everytime we get some exp done and try something that works, it's downtuned immediately. I made that same 200k rate with my newbie shaman over 2 years ago , when being about 1-2gig in worth - from elves, of course.

And yes.. I do like the game..(some of) the people in here and many of the guilds and ideas. And I would love to see this work.. :(

So, back to the thread :P .. I'd like to see some more guild levels and maybe some _different_ guilds for the extreme highbies to join at.. with some _real_ value.. In that way, you'll be 'loosing' that exp, but at least get something back.

- Widiar .. the same old whiner..
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exp purge

Postby Devil » 09.02.2006 17:12:51

75% exp purge is gooooooood
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