No-save mode

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No-save mode

Postby Roagi » 28.03.2005 18:31:04

Could you please remove this no-save mode if things seem to work or atleast report how long it is going to take before this mud is stable enough? Also I think that many of us mortals are willing to help testing things up so you can just say what you have changed and what you want us to test.
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Joined: 20.03.2004 23:15:23

Postby Cendor » 30.03.2005 06:22:03

We are going to move some code from conversion before we go to save mode. If this is going to take long (more than a week) then we just remove the nosave mode from the current mud version ;(
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Location: Turku, Finland

Postby Cendor » 16.04.2005 16:00:44

Ok we are open again :P

Some of the changes (briefly):

Please notice, that all experience was halved (-50%) from players. Please don't consider it as a tune, since it was done to ALL players. We also reseted the best kills.

Some of the other major changes:

- Best kills were reseted due to exp conversion.
- New "prot" system. No maximum etc. Find out :}
- Level costs were increased.
- Monsters were balanced.
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Posts: 115
Joined: 29.10.2003 19:54:58
Location: Turku, Finland


Postby Piego » 09.06.2005 15:27:03

hee si it is me againe, hee-lo!!1. mi was wondar if this con-version si reedy when is?? me si watiing for longer times. hopes mi can pley my favvoriet guild witch si mystic aenytiem soon. mi fist post in tihs forum hoep evriithign goes fine. =). buy for now.
Posts: 1
Joined: 27.10.2004 00:30:13

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