Post-conversion bugs

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Post-conversion bugs

Postby Crast » 17.04.2005 19:35:07

I thought I'd start a topic about this, since there are bound to be quite a number of em..:)

* I've maxed Grizzly-subguild, but when I type list skills/spells, there are no skills/spells. If I do info <lvl> I get a list of skills that I am supposed to be able to train


(more to come I guess...)
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Postby Crast » 17.04.2005 19:35:54

I'm on crack and there is no such bug. Apologies :)

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Postby Chardron » 18.04.2005 20:30:24

I want report something not bugs though
First few words is thanks for finishing that tune, dont consider at conversion at all. Nice work to make this mud more playable. but after all that really didnt change nothing much. it only tuned exp gaining some and total worths.

Player stats didnt change much , because the stats wont come from the guilds they mostly come from raise stats, and its way too cheap still
the stats dont really help anything at all in skills or spells atleast it seems like those wont help.

Stats dont have any meaning, they are just hoax to give player information to which helps em to make comparisions from each others.

Money have the same pointless meaning that it has always had, buy potions or wands or maybe buy equipment from newbies highbies do only trades , because they dont need any money.

Its now harder to rule in guild and the changes in player rates aint so much that those used to be which is good.

Partying is encouraged , nice thing but why make soloing almost impossible. Its hard to get party without any players.

because of the current monster tune it seems that game will go more to killing lots of small monsters , because no-one wants to die, and if you try to kill bigger monsters you wont get better rate with em, even the death is more obvious.

making equipment is now alot harder which is good. but the thing that those equipments are lousier than some of the midbie , newbie equipments dont really encourage to even do any equipment, and that seems to be because of the new ac thingies.

My opinion is that the game is someway better than its used to be, but it aint any different. same game same problems and i dont think that was the meaning please continue that conversion to end , make some tunes to stats and equipments and money so it will atleast seem that those would have something more than dicksize values.

My few lines of crap : Chardron
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Postby Doom » 18.05.2005 11:52:52

Lets see... Im suffering from a minor hangover but try to keep up with me...

I think that mobs should give variable amount of experience,
depending on the popularity of the area.
Players killing the same mobs lowers the value of recieved exp,
and the value of the ones that arent killed so often would increase.
This should encourage players to make exp in different areas.
And mobs should have more difference in the resistance,
So that there would be a point of using different kinds of damage types.
Also the "you have to kill big mobs or you cant have any dessert" limiter should be removed. I think its just pointless...

Partying is now encouraged, and it actually works pretty good.
But the fact that if you have 1000 defense and 100% dodge+parry
and you'll still get your ass kicked from small mobs,
is a bit irritating... And because of that above-mentioned limiter, you cant even get full exp from that small mob IF you after hours of struggling are able to kill it...

I dont know are you still tuneing all those thingies because no one informs us whats going on but I just wanted to pin point the problems that i've encountered...

The hangover in me is overtaking control now and I must stop this babbling...
End of transmission...
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