
Post your ideas etc. about guilds and races here.


Postby Chardron » 07.06.2004 16:47:05

My idea about races...

My idea about the races is following

Remove all the old races.
Make new races , every race has certain amount of basic stat points that are used when you select the guild
example in knights guild the starting points would be diveded 40% str 15% dexterity 25% constitution etc. after the reinc would be ready the player would start to grow as in race also. so in starters id would be almost the same what race would you select. but different races would grow with different speeds(exp rate). You could also use some of your experience to gain status and race points from the race your in. Different races would have different kinds of subraces etc. You could be example human king when you would have better points than other players and the main monsters that have also access to "rulership" plaques.

Basic races would be dwarf, elf, human. these races would have sub races example scandinavian, niggerit, saamelaiset. drows, duegars. etc

also there could be one race as undeads, and another one as demons.

When undeads grow they changes from ghost to ghast and wraith etc. The growing wont change instantly it will only change on reboots if the masteries is high enough.
When demon grow they will change from imp to deamon etc.
Also there would be race magic monsters, like dragons etc. players could also select this race but when this race is selected the gameplay changes dramaticaly -> every experience you make as this race will be used for your race points there wont be no guilds or others, you would have some race skills / spells and they would raise as making experience but when you die you instantly go to reinc room again

Playing as monster race would be only fun, every player is allowed to kill you then and you would be allowed to kill anyone you want. only thing that is harder that you dont have any equipment or spells etc which allows you to track etc players . Your not allowed to speak to anybody via tells if the player havent learned your language. etc.

My ideas -> Your ideas sucks -> Chardron is Bored. -> Void is for whiners -> eye for an eye -> zap from a whine. -> Joyri ruLeS foreva-> Damn This Is StuPid-> Im registered with my own nAmE! -> Post Your Ideas -> Critics are wellcome -> Violence shutsdown the assholes!!!
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Location: In my mind im at the hawaji , but im now in dublin

Postby Crast » 07.06.2004 19:00:36

I think you should re-wiz and do some of all the suggestions you have. Almost all things you post would be a supreme improvement for this mud, and we need wizards that do things and not just tune old things into oblivion.

Fresh blood is needed!

I for one would love to go dragon :twisted:

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Postby Chardron » 07.06.2004 22:39:20

Thanks for those nice works but me get re-wizzed. I dont think it could be done in this game. But your welcome to see my nice work at chaosmud
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Location: In my mind im at the hawaji , but im now in dublin

Postby Chardron » 07.06.2004 22:40:18

Uups lets change that , im not the coder on chaos it was springie. who stole my name there and WIZZED HEY SPRINGIE HEY You rule we all love you:::.
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Location: In my mind im at the hawaji , but im now in dublin

Postby Springie » 30.06.2004 09:42:29

suck me sideways you bitch, and go fuck yourself

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Postby Jona » 01.07.2004 06:19:29

Springie wrote:suck me sideways you bitch, and go fuck yourself


That looks like a constructive critisism.... :shock:
Keep up the good work :wink:
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Joined: 01.02.2004 15:35:25

great ideas chardron

Postby Maaldor » 17.09.2004 09:38:02

:) those race ideas was actually very good,we should try to do something about it.
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new guilds

Postby Maaldor » 22.10.2004 21:29:54


Fe. Druids
something about transforming in to animal shape,fe. bears or wolfes might give some more interesting things in here.

i think that if we have more unique guilds,we might have new players as well. something that others dont have yet.

but if u are planning just to tune those guilds what we have, it is not going to work. just accept that fact. And if u are not interested to do new shit, you should get a life and go out. More active coders, i understand that u guys have lotsa work and little time or whatever, but still u have to do more work for this mud to survive.

i dont give a shit about what you are planning to do,just do something.

There is nice new guild, thaumaturges! keep up that kinda good work.

and fuck those hi-worthed players who are just fucking things up with all those whines about everything. I still like this mud but if my opinion matters, dont fuck everything by just doing what those hi players say or whine.

Forget it.

Obi the Kenobi, may the force be with You!
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