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Postby Chardron » 14.04.2004 18:01:20

few pretty stupid ideas to improve the gaming in winterkill.

If monster has weapon , it could add the monsters damage. example monster has wc 40 weapon so it would affect monsters melee damage by increasing it with 40%. No it seems that weapon that monsters has dont affect a shit.

Fixing those stupid eq bonuses if your not in guild you would not get that guilds skills / spells from equipment its a bit stupid that barbarian has ring that gives devastate and nowdays there is no point to even use identify spell it could be renamed as check resistances if your intrested. and that also affects some of the equipment that identify spell concerns as you cant identify this eq.

Do new winterkill website that old one sucks and its old like hell.
You could ask some players to help you planning that website example there could be newbie help files for different guild if they aint no secret guilds but who in winterkill gives a shit about secrets.

Some wizzing machine which will give fair change to everyone to become a wizard. even if he dont know shit about coding.. and some rules about the morting of wizards (dont say more so i would spread wiz info)

Something that would make different familiars ingame more alike others. example the same commands. every fucking familiar has theyr own specialities but if you compare them they are a far away as other that they could be. Also more depth in familiars would be nice.

Changing more to thaumaturge spell system than the current spell system atleast thaumaturges are cool only problem that they have a bit hard work atleast some peoples think so i dont.

Skill system could be also changed, the skills that do hard damage seem to be always 1-2 rounds and if your fighting with abyss conjurer or barbarian in arena there is no way that you can survive as caster if you dont have instant zap in staff.

I would say it would be nice if all skills could be targetted to hitpoints of target or then those could be more hard to hit bigger monsters with skills so the skill / spell balance youd see more. now there is few skills that are like disruption without spcost. thats why people can make overall fucked up rates. if skills would be slower and damages would be so random it would be better , another thing is that skills chance is from arse. You have skill in 80% , but the skill dont work nearly 80% because it seems that nofail skills are alot higher. maybe it could be coded so that monster versus player affects the skill chance too. also weapon skills, some stats could affect those too.

But seems like winterkill is fading like the last snow of the before the spring. There is still some players but if nothing happens those last will leave i think.

But anyway i dont care much , i have had my share of fun in this game.
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Joined: 29.10.2003 22:34:48
Location: In my mind im at the hawaji , but im now in dublin

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